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Structural Timber Association Assure Gold for SIP Build UK

STA Assure gold Structural timber association building offsite solutions in timber

Structural Timber Association Assure Gold for SIP Build UK |

SIP Build UK are delighted to maintain a Gold Assure level across a very tough year for businesses given the global pandemic. Another massive effort by the whole team and the directors are hugely proud and thankful to the entire team for their continual efforts !!

STA Assure is the STA’s Quality Assurance Scheme that provides confidence in the use of structural timber and determines member competency and compliance. 

Our main goal at the STA is to promote the use of structural timber in construction as timber presents our best opportunity for meeting the UK’s net zero commitments by 2050. As such, the quality and standards of timber construction must be to the highest degree; therefore, accreditation is crucial to providing investors and insurers with evidence that companies are held to high standards.

STA Assure