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Build It Awards Shortlist for SIP Build UK

SIP Build UK is on the Build It Awards 2023 shortlist for a stunning self build home in Colchester. We couldn’t be more proud of our team, and everyone involved, who worked so hard to contribute to this incredible achievement.

The clients mission before the project started was to build a high end home to passive standards, on a budget by managing as much of the process themselves.

SIPs Self Build Project | A large contemporary passive house built using 172mm thick SIP panels, metal open web floor joists decking and all internal walls.  The use of SIPs was especially important to allow full use of the vaulted ceiling and utilise the full floor within the roof space.

The client utilised the Offsite construction to gain program reductions and looked at the surrounding labour market and realised that building the house traditionally not only would have taken much longer but the limited trades in the local area put him the mercy of labour shortages.  

Clients commented before his build was finished “This is my current personal experience with my passive house. Despite the freezing temperature outside, the temperature inside is running between 17-18°C! To think the construction is not even completed yet!

Case Study available soon.

The 2023 awards ceremony will take place at the Hilton Bankside in London, on Friday 24th November.

Good luck everyone and see you there! 

For 12 years, the Build It Awards, held in association with BuildStore, have been the most coveted accolade in the self build industry. Rigorous, impartial judging results in real credibility for the winners and gives them a competitive advantage.

From innovative products, to essential services, pioneering suppliers and awe-inspiring projects, the awards enables companies to generate valuable PR and attract leads from real self builders and renovators. You’ll also make valuable industry connections that could boost your business in unexpected ways.

View the Awards shortlist here >