01977 520 902

SIPs For Roofing

Enhance your roofing projects with SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels). Discover how SIPs can improve insulation, durability, and energy efficiency in your roofing systems. Let’s take your roofing projects to the next level with our SIP solutions.

SIPs for Roofing | Structural insulated panels are an ideal solution for roof constructions on new builds, upward extensions or recladding existing properties.

What makes them ideal? SIPs are a durable, speedy and efficient method for both roofing and insulating your home in one fell swoop – they can either be used as the roof structure itself or to clad existing structures. (Existing Portal Frame Farm buildings for example)

Despite the initial cost, SIPs offer a huge range of advantages:

Firstly, they can massively speed up construction projects as they are fabricated off site, made to measure and precision engineered. As soon as they’re delivered (provided the frame is right), they can just be installed. No need to spend time insulating – it’s already in there.

Structural insulated roof panels are versatile in that they can be added onto masonry, ICF, timber, LGSF(steel) and portal frames.

Secondly, when correctly installed, SIPs help airtightness and dramatically increase the thermal efficiency of your home, reducing heating costs.

Thirdly, SIPs are an excellent option for maximising headroom, being slim panels by design, they help to avoid loss of space that you’d get with traditional insulation options.


For more information on our SIP roof services and how we can help you with a residential or commercial property project, please feel free to get in touch here, or by calling 01977 520 902 , one of our team will be more than happy to help.